
In his book “Heartifitial Intelligence,” John C. Havens explores the ethical implications of artifitial intelligence (AI) on society. The past, present, and future of technological advancements are brought into the light as Havens shares the importance of finding balance between ethical standards, AI and machine learning, and humanity.


I enjoyed how this book made me self assess my technology use and raise awareness towards the dependency humans can have on AI. Havens invites his readers to ponder multiple AI senarios throughout the text that allow for connections of relevence and importance to our everyday lives. He also isn’t afraid to ask tough questions reguarding one’s morality and values towards the integration of AI. Although this book discusses serious, heavy topics, I enjoyed the feeling of hope that Havens held from start to end. One of the main takeaways I will remember from this book is the ideal that technology needs to be created and further developed with empathy and compassion.


This book seemed lengthy and repetitive at times. Although Haven may have used repitition to emphasize certain points, it didn’t seem like it was necessary. A few sections of the book came across as “filler fluff,” especially when Haven expounded too deeply on his own opinions towards certain topics. It would’ve been more reliable if he had included more scientific, technical information.


I wouldn’t re-read this book, but I’m glad I took the time to read it. I learned a lot about the role AI plays in society and the importance of not letting it rule our choices or allow us to become lazy. I’d recommend this book to anyone who wants to gain more insight on the intersection between humanity and technology. I’d also recommend it to anyone who is struggling or worried about the direction in which human morality is headed with the continued integration of technology.

Rating: 3.5/5

Note: ChatGPT was used in the creation of this blog post.